It's As Easy As These Couple Steps...

  1. Provide Documentation of Disability: To register with the Office of Disability Services for academic accommodations, you wil need to submit the Student Intake Form and Documentation of Disability. You may choose to complete the optional Priority Registration Form if you would like to recieve priority registration.You may provide documentation of disability in several ways, including, but not limited to: 
    • Disability Services Verification Form
    • IEP或504计划
    • Neuropsychological Evaluation
    • A letter from a liscensed medical provider, written on official letterhead which includes the information requested in the Verification Form This is not an exhaustive list and ODS may request additional documentation in order to illustrate a connection between the impact of the disability, the described barrier, and the requested accommodation. During the exploration process, ODS will evaluate the unique attributes and requirements of the course, 程序, 或活动. Course modifications, 辅助艾滋病, or services that are ineffective or constitute a fundamental alteration will not be 合理的 and therefore will not meet the ADA and Section 504’s minimal standards.  
    • Note: To avoid any conflict of interest, the Office of Disability Services will not accept documentation provided by family members, 近亲属, and/or people not serving in official capacity with the student.
  2. Submit the documentation to and schedule an intake meeting with the Disability Services Advisor. At the intake appointment you will discuss your request with the Disabilty Services Advisor. From here, appropriate and 合理的 accommodations will be discussed and agreed upon by both parties. Accommodation memos will then be emailed to each of your professors detailing the class and/or examination accommodations you are approved for.
    • *As per our confidentiality policy, no information regarding the student’s specific disability will be disclosed on the accommodation memos unless specified by student
After Registering:
  • Schedule follow up appointments: After your intake appointment, follow up appointments can be scheduled at any time with the Disability Services Office. 
  • 变化*: You are tasked with notifying the Disability Services Office if circumstances change or additional needs arise. This can include some of the following:
    • The dropping/adding of classes
    • The decision to take a semester off
    • Additional accommodations are needed